Monday, 19 October 2009

Cut & Paste Championships - NYC

I don't know why but this reminds me of skateboarding and disco-dancing competitions in the 70's (something that originated as a 'street' activity, being pushed to the max), but with the added twist of the audience being able to give feedback via Twitter, and designers as X-Factor contestants.

Cut and Paste Championships as featured on 
Cool Hunting in NYC

Also visit

Saturday, 17 October 2009

GetDringMobile - Paintworks Photos

A great evening organised for the GetDringMobile money raising event, which managed to raise an astonishing £25,000 that night. Some fantastic work, good music and really nice feel to the whole evening. I think it's what some of the other 'graffiti' events should of aimed for. It was also great to see such a high calibre of contributing artists to the event (Nick Walker and Pam Glew getting nice cash amounts in for their work).

Bristol Graffiti blog
Bristol Urban Art have much better photos of the event, so definitely check their links out. I was filming it for a project, so hence my limited and unobserved photos, but here they are anyway.

Inkie's piece (half way through), Mr Jago on the side, Vermin in the distance.

Paris' pop up shop - another stop on his world tour.Milk and Dora's piece
Lokey working (Jody and Mr Jago, in the background)
Nick Walker and Eelus (and an investor)
Hmmmm gold. Wonderful piece from Xenz, which went for a pretty penny.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Hillgrove Street - Update

Paris' piece on Hillgrove Street was sprayed over this afternoon, and while someone connected with the shop told him off as he didn't have permission to spray there, within 10 mins rescued him from an altercation with the police. A nice bit of Stokes Croft community spirit.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Friend & Co - Will Barras, Mr Jago, Mudwig, Eine & Xenz

On Friday the 23rd of October Friend & Co are opening the doors (24 Park Row, Bristol) to their new gallery. The first show is a group show from: EINE, MR JAGO, MÃœDWIG, WILL BARRAS & XENZ. There will be new original work and prints from all the artists.

Looking forward to seeing the new premises and new works from some of my favourite artists.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

David Brownings - Papercraft Nike

I'm a big fan of the papercut (Rob Ryan) and papercraft (Makiko Azakami), so it was a bit of a surprise to read on Folding Trees (papercraft US blog) about Bristol based David Brownings Nikes. He's on my doorstop, my blogging self cries!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Will Barras - Live Painting

Will Barras at the Oakley store in Bristol's Cabot Circus.

The 'Will Barras' limited edition glasses from Oakley, part of an 'artists' collection.