Saturday, 13 November 2010

Inkie/Sepr/3Dom - Croft - Shiv Lizzy

I think the strength of the Stoke Crofts open air gallery, is the constant change, artists trying out new ideas and the fact they can still pull in a name or two. In the last six months a couple of memorial pieces have gone up for Bear (poet, and Croft resident) which were quite wonderful.  So I was really pleased to see such a beautiful memorial piece with respect to Shiv Lizzy (Shivon Watson, 28) who was tragically killed in London earlier this year.

Here's some progress shots from the new Inkie/Sepr/3Dom. 
(sorry for the slightly late posting)

Friday, 22 October 2010

Write a bike

I did a double take when first viewing these images, pity my name is too short to make a bicycle frame - wonderful work by Juri Zaech.

As found by the fantabulous Cafe Cartolina.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Moniker International Art Fair - 14-17th October - Shoreditch

This looks very exciting - Herakut, Espo, Eine, and Polly Morgan.

Very little information has been released, just some choice names in the urban and fine art field'. Very exciting none the less. 

I'm sure more information will be dripfed onto this website - Moniker.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Star Wars (Boba Fett) x Adidas

A sharp intake of breath for these beauties.

From the ever wonderful Lovely Package

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Eine - Alphabet Street - Serif Style

Eine - promotor of the simple but beautiful text - has painted a whole street in North London (apparently Middlesex St).  Signature style, in bold and glorious colours.

It almost makes me forget the recent handbag collaboration.

Photos from artofthestate

Monday, 24 May 2010

New Nick Walker - Bristol

On a lunch break today, and spotted Nick Walker doing a new piece at the back of the Colston Hall.  Apparently it's got something to do with a BBC documentary on butterflies.

(Photos: Bristol Street Art)

Friday, 14 May 2010

Art from the New World - Sneaky Peak @Bristol_Museum

The shows looking great.  Gary Baseman's characters getting some practice in. And lots of smiley people. Press morning at the museum.

Buffmonster being interviewed by the BBC.

One of Gary Basemans girls.
Double sided book installation by Mike Stilkey, greeting you in the foyer of the museum.

Stunning work from Colin Christian.
Bring your credit cards - merchandise.
Even more merchandise.

Awesome double headed diamond dog sculpture (just seen in the distance - apologies for Iphone quality pix).

The show looks really great, it's so nice not having to travel to London to see this sort of quality of work.  For me there is a couple of artists work I really would of liked to see (uh hum...Frank Kozik, Tara McPherson, Ashley Wood, Glenn Barr), but I presume that is because they're tied in with other galleries. Or don't need the coverage.

Incidentally my interview with the lovely Mike Stilkey will be featured later on in this blog.

To see some better quality pictures of the work shown see Cool Huntings notice.

Monday, 10 May 2010

@Bristol_museum Start of Mike Stilkey installation #aftnw

Met the lovely Mike Stilkey today who's starting work on his book painting installation in the foyer of the Bristol Museum. Very exciting. As is the Buffmonster in the main museum (but my picture is of a blank wall), so I didn't include it. Hoping to post an interview soon.

Posted via email from dluxeonline's posterous

Thursday, 29 April 2010

AnyForty - Versus Exhibition

The dynamic colour work of Matt W Moore (MWM Graphics) - he who was mentioned a couple of blog posts ago, has work heading to the UK for an exciting exhibition put on by AnyForty at an undisclosed Bristol venue.  Minimal details have been released, but its all looking exciting.

So this summer is already looking good with 'Art from the New World', and some promising exhibitions on the horizon from our favourite street art galleries. And since when has Bristol become the art capital of f...whatever?  This is Bristol - rumoured to be twinned with Jamaica. Maybe Bristol's finally grown up.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Joe Sorren - Painting in progress

I like a bit of 'process', as clearly the last post has demonstrated. So to continue on this theme and with another artist from the upcoming 'Art from the New World' exhibition, here is Joe Sorren's progress on a 'The Overture' from his blog. To see the full progress - go to Joe's blog.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Mark Ryden painting 'Incarnation' on time lapse

In preparation for 'Art of the New World' at the Bristol Museum - this is one of the featured artists, and a fantastic look at Mark Ryden painting a recent piece for the Gay 90's exhibition in New York, (April 29th 2010). 

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Cheo at the Deaner

New works on my travels

I had a bit of time this morning to post some new works I saw on my travels.

First from Dean Lane, Bedminster (What) heads up from RichT.  And second on Stokes Croft by Silent Hobo (who's done a great piece on Hillgrove Street a while back).

Friday, 2 April 2010

IT Crowd

The wonderful IT Crowd has started filming again and from what I understand my Lucky Luchies are still in the realm of Moss and Roy (up on a shelf). V cited, especially as Graham Linehan has some more special guests in the show (Kevin Eldon and Limmy).

This pic is from a recently twittered on-set image by ITCrowdsupport

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Kate MccGwire

I've seen Kate MccGwire's work mentioned in a couple of blogs recently - and could not fail to be knocked out by it.  It's made a 2nd time appearance in the Juxtapoz blog, and I just felt the need to share the love. 

Just breathless.

I could drone on like a love-sick teenager - but I think it just speaks for itself.